"Outta my way son! DOOR STUCK!"
(Hey it's literally my track!)
Welcome to de_peachtree, my personal little place under the surface for all of my silly bullshit - Originally created because carrd refused to let me swear on my page and limited me to three (c'mon really?) pages. So let me introduce myself.
I'm Aiden (or Aidan, either spelling works) or Alex, I use they/it and I run this little corner of the internet on my own for the most part. I'm into stuff like Biting Elbows, Half-Life 2, L.A Noire, The Stanley Parable, Sunset Overdrive etc.
I honestly just keep this little corner of the internet running out of sheer boredom and possible insanity at the moment, given that I have all the free time in the world outside of job centre appointments (Okay why do they want me there every week at 10am, what kind of inhumane bastards are they???) and errands which takes up borderline none of my time.

I'm honestly not sure what to say here outside of WEEEEEEEEEEE-